Apricot almond tart

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Here is a perfect summer dessert - light, quick bake, fruit loaden.

The first time I stumbled upon it, I could not resist the very pretty way in which it is assembled. For some reason it reminds me of sea and beaches, and I can see it being served on a breezy summer night, out on a balcony overlooking the sea, perhaps with a dollop of cold creme fraiche or ice cream on the side.


Danas sam pravila još jedan pravi ljetni desert. Lagan je, bogat voćem i brzo se sprema. 

Kad sam ga prvi put pronašla na internetu (recept koji slijedi je kombinacija više recepata), privukao me način na koji se kajsije aranžiraju po samom vrhu. Sam desert me neodoljivo asocira na more i plažu. Mogu tačno zamisliti kako ga poslije večere jedemo sa sladoledom ili hladnom kremom na terasi sa pogledom na more, i udišemo zrak obojen tamarisom, zahvalni na osvježavajućem povjetarcu.

Vidi se da ove godine još nisam bila na moru.

I had a lot of fun making this, and I can totally see Layla helping me out and having a great time doing it. Every time I have involved a child in the process I watched them get excited about food, and really learn. They will ask the silliest and most outrageous questions, and they can get you to see things in a completely new way.

I am not a mom, yet, but I can imagine, with everything moms have to do around the house (plus work), it can be hard finding free time to spend with your child. This could be one way to do something creative together.


Za ovaj post je bilo izuzetno zabavno kuhati i fotografisati. Voljela bih još samo da je Layla mogla biti tu da mi pomogne (ili, ako hoćete, helpa). Vjerujem da bi i za nju bilo zabavno, jer svaki put do sada kad se vrtila oko mene dok kuham imala je milion smislenih i besmislenih pitanja, i uvijek je nešto novo naučila. Moram priznati da je i meni bilo lijepo s njom. 

Dječija mašta osvježi način na koji gledamo stvari iz svakodnevnice, i za mene je to uvijek čudesno iskustvo.

Apricot Almond Shortbread Tart


3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup almond flour
4 tablespoons cold butter
1/3 cup confectioners' sugar
1 large egg yolk
Zest of one lemon
4 dates, chopped
pinch of salt
honey and lemon thyme for topping

Cream the butter and powdered sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the zest, yolk and finely chopped dates. Add the dry ingredients and mix by hand.

Press the dough into a tart mold. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to an hour. In the meantime, preheat oven to 180 C.

Cut the apricots in thin wedges. Arrange the slices over the crust tightly (they will shrink when heated). Sprinkle some sugar on top and bake for about 30 minutes until golden.

Drizzle honey and decorate with chopped lemon thyme, cut in wedges and serve.


Tart sa kajsijama i bademom 


3/4 čaše brašna
1/4 čaše mljevenih badema/bademovog brašna
4 kašike hladnog maslaca
1/3 čaše šećera u prahu
1 bjelance
korica jednog limuna
4 datule/hurme, nasitnjene
prstohvat soli
med i majčina dušica za ukras

Mikserom mutite maslac i šećer u prahu dok ne dobijete laganu i blijedožutu smjesu (oko 5 minuta). Dodajte koricu limuna, žumance i hurme. Dodajte suhe sastojke i rukom povežite smjesu u tijesto.

Pritisnite tijesto u kalup za tart (ili neki drugi kalup, po izboru). Držite u frižideru 30 minuta do sat vremena. U međuvremenu, zagrijte pećnicu na 180 C.

Narežite kajsije na tanke kriške. Poredajte ih po tijestu (zbijte ih jer će zagrijavanjem izgubiti vodu i postati još tanje). Pospite šećerom po vrhu i pecite oko 30 minuta dok kora ne postane zlatne boje.

Prelijte medom, ukrasite mirisnom majčinom dušicom i servirajte.

The tart is out of the oven, chilling on the kitchen counter. I'm going to cut out two pieces (one for me, one for him), add some vanilla ice cream and with each bite imagine the sounds and smells of the sea. 

That will do the trick, at least for the time being.


Poslije iftara ću izrezati dva komadića (jedan za mene, jedan za njega), dodati sladoled od vanilije, pa ćemo skupa, možda na terasi, sa svakim zalogajem zamišljati beskrajno plavetnilo mora.

Može proći (za sada).

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