... make lingonsylt?
Yes, I am writing all the way from Sweden! August has been mad and, to sum it up, I will be living and going to school in Sweden for time to come. Surprise, surprise!
Pozdrav iz Švedske - gdje ja sad živim. Sad, i u narednim godinama. Ukratko, preselila sam zbog daljeg školovanja u gradić Lund na jugu Švedske. Od sada javljanja idu sa skandinavskim predznakom (wink wink).
Pozdrav iz Švedske - gdje ja sad živim. Sad, i u narednim godinama. Ukratko, preselila sam zbog daljeg školovanja u gradić Lund na jugu Švedske. Od sada javljanja idu sa skandinavskim predznakom (wink wink).
I am very excited to learn about this new country! Of course, you will be treated to the stories about my journey. I have been living here for more than two weeks now, and thoroughly enjoying the experience. I live sort of in-between several small cities in the south, and a lot of the past weeks has been about traveling around and getting to know the campus and my new town.
On one of these exploratory tours of Lund (where my university is), I discovered a tiny marketplace with very rich offer of fresh fruits and vegetables. That is where I first spotted Lingonberries. I have not heard about them before, but apparently they are Sweden's trademark. So what better to start my blogging from Sweden with than Sweden's own lingonberry jam?
I tried this recipe. My niece G. loved it (she has had it in school before so she was the one to try it), and in her funny way, commented: ''Adana, this is very impressive!'. It tasted great but I would have preferred a texture that is more runny (we had guests as I was making it, I got distracted and left it cooking a bit longer than I should have, but if you follow the recipe all should be fine).
Toliko toga se desilo u proteklih mjesec dana - još se ni sama, ni blizu, nisam naviknula na sve. Prije neke dvije sedmice došla sam ovdje i za sada sve ide veoma dobro, obaveza ima puno, ali sve je novo i zanimljivo. Većinu vremena u prethodnim sedmicama provela sam u neizostavnom upoznavanju sa mojim novim prebivalištem.
U jednoj od šetnji Lundom, naišla sam na malu pijacu sa bogatom ponudom voća i povrća. Tu sam prvi put vidjela i lingon plodove. Zaista ne znam kako da ih prevedem na bosanski - možete o njima misliti kao o dalekim rođacima drijena. Izgledaju kao ribizle, ali su nešto čvršće i oporog okusa. Odmah sam pomislila da bi bilo interesantno javiti se po prvi put iz Švedske sa receptom tradicionalno švedskim.
Probala sam ovaj recept. Mala sestrična G., jedina od nas koja je taj džem probala ranije u školi, je dala svoje entuzijastično odobrenje. Meni se okus također dopada, mada sam ga kuhala malo duže nego je trebalo, pa se zgusnuo. Ako slijedite recept, neće biti problema.
I also wanted to share with you a few photographs that I took during late afternoon mushroom-picking adventure in the woods nearby. It was a great, relaxing experience - one that I hope to repeat soon.
I am off to bed for an early start tomorrow, but I hope you've missed me and will do my best to check in soon! Oh, almost forgot, I learned to count to 100 in Swedish and one of my first new words was kryddor. Who else is surprised?
Tu je i nekoliko fotografija sa jednog poslijepodnevnog branja gljiva u šumi blizu gradića u kojem živim. Divno i prijeko potrebno iskustvo koje ću, nadam se, uskoro ponoviti.
Sutra ranim pa idem odmah da spavam, ali se nadam da sam vam makar malo nedostajala u ovih mjesec dana koliko me nije bilo. Potrudit ću se da se uskoro javim, možda opet sa nečim tipično švedskim. Zamalo da zaboravim, naučila sam brojati do 100 na švedskom, a jedna od prvih riječi koju sam zapamtila je kryddor. Pretpostavljam da niste baš iznenađeni :)