Sweden is having the most gorgeous summer.
I have been biking outside every day, just soaking in the beautiful weather and nature. We live in a small town with a forest five minutes away from our house, a lake fifteen minutes away by bike, and green fields pretty much everywhere. I am loving it.
And with all the time we spend outdoors, a little bit of foraging was inevitable. That's how we stumbled upon chokeberries.
Ljeto u Svedskoj je savrseno.
Svaki dan sam u prirodi, vozim bicikl, lutam nepoznatim poljima, odmaram. Zivimo u malom gradu sa sumom na pet minuta od nase kuce, jezerom na petnaest minuta voznje biciklom, i zelenim livadama svuda okolo.
Zaljubila sam se.
Setajuci sumom, nailazimo na njene brojne jestive plodove. Danas pisem o aroniji, a u narednim postovima o vrganjima, jabukama, bobicama zove i kupinama.

Unusual name, I agree. I assume it comes from its somewhat dry texture (It makes you purse your lips, my friend Ana says). That feature comes as an even bigger surprise since they look a lot like blueberries, but turn out not to be quite as juicy.
Having read about them, however, I've learned that supposedly chokeberries might be some of the most powerful superfoods out there (there's even been some actual scientific research done to investigate their properties).
O aroniji sam ranije cula ali je nisam nikada do sada imala priliku probati. Cvrsta na dodir i slicna borovnici, za aroniju kazu da je mozda najzdraviji plod koji postoji. Slicnost sa borovnicom ne ide dalje od izgleda, jer je aronija mnogo manje socna od borovnice, cak i trpka.
Bilo je uzbudljivo otkrivati ovu novu biljku, citati o njoj, ispitivati njen okus, njena svojstva. Zapravo sam odusevljena da nesto sto se tako jednostavno bere, cisti, ne kvari brzo, i sto nam nudi toliko dobrog u svom sastavu, zapravo uopste i postoji. Inspirisana sam.

So far, I have foraged around five kilograms. Some of it we ate, while most of it I cleaned, packed in portion-size mini plastic bags, and froze. We are looking at a winter-full of chokeberry muesli, chokeberry smoothies, and an occasional dessert.
And we will be going back for more.
I struggled researching for a recipe that uses chokeberries. There is quite a few out there, but I wanted to find one that does not require thermal processing, as I wanted them to retain their healthful properties. This recipe in part fulfills that condition.
It was adapted from a local store magazine (it used blueberries where I use chokeberries, and there are a few other adjustments). Swedes use deciliters instead of cups, so I am posting it just as I first read it. You can use one of the many scale convertors online to help you adjust the recipe to your preferred measurements, so it should not be a problem.
Do sada sam ubrala oko pet kilograma aronije. Nesto smo odmah pojeli, a vecinu sam ocistila, spakovala u mini vrecice i zamrznula. Ove zime obogatit cemo muesli i vocne sokove aronijom (mozda cak i poneki dezert).
Naravno, uskoro idem nabrati jos.
Nije bas bilo lako naci recept za desert sa aronijom. Zapravo, postoji dosta recepata ali u vecini se aronija termicki obradjuje. Ja sam htjela da to izbjegnem kako bih sacuvala njena hranjiva svojstva. I recept koji sam odabrala tek djelomicno zadovoljava ovaj uslov.
Prilagodila sam ga na osnovu recepta sa borovnicama koji sam nasla u lokalnom magazinu.


210 g flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 spring of lemon balm (Melissa)
1 lemon
3 eggs
3 dl sugar (I used 2 dl of stevia and 1 dl plain sugar)
11/2 dl olive oil
quark cheese
In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine half a cup chokeberries, 1 tbsp sugar, and 1 tsp water. When chokeberries begin to soften and the sugar has dissolved, mash them with fork until they resemble jam. Cool in the refrigerator.
Preheat the oven to 175 C.
Cover the bottom of a springform pan with baking paper and dust it with coconut flakes. Coat the sides of the pan with butter. Set aside.
Sift flour and baking powder. Finely chop lemon balm leaves and grate the zest of the lemon. Whisk the egg and sugar until fluffy. Add lemon balm, lemon zest, milk and olive oil, and mix. Add the dry ingredients and stir until combined. Pour into the springform pan.
Bake the cake for 30 minutes or until the tester inserted in the middle is dry. Cool the cake on a wire rack. Squeeze 1 tbsp of lemon juice, combine it with half a cup of quark, and stir. Spread this on top of the cake and layer over the cooled jam as well. Sprinkle fresh chokeberries and lemon balm over top. Serve with tea or a drink of your choice.
Citrus kolac sa kvark sirom i aronijom
210 g brasna
2 kasicice praska za pecivo
nekoliko grancica melise
1 limun
3 jaja
3 dl secera (ja sam koristila 2 dl stevije i 1 dl obicnog secera)
11/2 dl maslinovog ulja
kvark sir (ili krem sir)
bobice aronije
kokosovo brasno
U manjoj serpi pomijesajte pola mjerice bobica aronije, 1 kasiku secera i 1 kasicicu voe. Kad bobice omeksaju a secer se otopi, viljuskom izgnjecite bobice dok smjesa ne pocne liciti na dzem. Ohladite u frizideru.
Ugrijte pecnicu do 175 C.
Prekrijte dno posude za pecenje sa masnim papirom i po njemu pospite kokosovo brasno. Maslacem namazite strane posude za pecenje.
Prosijte brasno i prasak za pecivo. Usitnite listove melise i naribajte koricu limuna. Rucno umutite jaja i secer. Dodajte melisu, koricu limuna, mlijeko i maslinovo ulje, i pomijesajte ih. Dodajte suhe sastojke i umutite smjesu. Uspite smjesu u posudu za pecenje.
Pecite kolac 30 minuta i ostavite da se ohladi. Pomijesajte jednu kasiku limunovog soka sa pola mjerice kvarka. Premazite povrsinu kolaca sirom, a preko njega stavite komadice zagrijanih i izgnjecenih bobica aronije. Ukrasite svjezim bobicama aronije i listicima melise. Servirajte uz caj ili neko drugo toplo pice.

The photographs from this post come from both our chokeberry-picking day and a bike trip to the beach. My niece takes part in all our activities, she learns and has fun (All the creatures love me, she says. Bugs, bees, butterflies, frogs. That must be 'cause they can see that I am such a good person.). Her boundless energy is truly captivating. When we're biking, she always wants to go first (we compromise depending on how safe the road is at any given moment).
And whatever we're doing, she wants to help.
Pictured with her in the photo are two of the three ducks we've been feeding at the lake. She named them Smiley, Eatey, and Surprisey (elaborate explanations for name choices, however unnecessary, do exist). There is also Swimmy who usually dives in the distance while we watch intently, each hoping to be the first one that spots Swimmy when it comes up for air. Not sure how much of all this I would notice if she weren't around, so I cherish it.
Moja mala sestricna G. vrlo aktivno ucestvuje u svim nasim avanturama u prirodi. Uzivam posmatrati je dok uci i gradi svoj odnos sa prirodom (Sve zivotinje me vole, kaze ona. Bube, pcele, zabe, leptirovi. Mora da je to zato sto prepoznaju da sam ja dobra osoba.). Njena energija nema granice. Kad smo na biciklima, ona mora biti prva (uglavnom pokusavamo naci kompromis), a sve oko nas popraceno je narativnim sadrzajem.
Na slici iznad sa njom su dvije od tri patke koje smo hranili pri odlascima na jezero. Dala im je imena u skladu sa njihovim najistaknutijim karakteristikama. Cetvrta patka je uvijek na pucini; mi je posmatramo kako roni i takmicimo se ko ce je prvi primijetiti kad se pojavi na povrsini vode. Ne znam koliko bih primjecivala sve to da G. nije sa mnom, zato cijenim svaki trenutak s njom.
