I wanted to take one photo of the crepes that we ate today and post it on our Facebook page, but somehow managed to take enough photos to make it into a post. I am a huge fan of crepes, and even though this is a very basic recipe, what is a food blog without a crepe recipe that works every time, right?
My favorite little person to make crepes for is my eight year old niece, G., also known as (the self-proclaimed) Master of Sweets. That is because I can hardly pinpoint an individual that enjoys crepes as much as she does (I guess she reminds me of myself at her age). She likes them so much that she comes up with these creative ways to get me to make them, such as preparing a surprise dinner for her mother. We don't know what we're cooking, but we know we're surprising her with crepes for dessert.
Danas sam namjeravala napraviti jednu fotografiju palacinaka za nasu Facebook stranicu, ali sam nekako uspjela napraviti dovoljno fotografija da napisem i post. Palacinci su omiljeno 'slatko' mog djetinjstva. Razmisljala sam da bi bilo dobro da se na ovom blogu nadje i poneki bazicni recept, onaj koji uvijek uspije i za koji znamo da ce se svima dopasti. Stoga pocinjem sa omiljenom poslasticom mojih mladjih dana.
Najvise volim da pravim palacinke za moju osmogodisnju sestricnu, G., jer ne znam niti jednu drugu osobu koja u njima uziva onako kako se ja prisjecam da sam sama uzivala u njenim godinama. Njena radost je cista i potpuna. S vremena na vrijeme smislja nacine da me nagovori da joj napavim palacinke, npr. predlozi da iznenadimo njenu mamu specijalnom vecerom. Obicno nista na meniju nije definisano, izuzev da ce za dezert biti palacinci.
Basic Crepe Recipe
3 eggs
2 cups whole milk
1 cup flour
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp melted and cooled butter
Using a hand mixer, beat eggs and milk until smooth. Sift together the dry ingredients and beat them in the egg and milk mixture. Mix in melted butter. Let sit in the refrigerator for half and hour (optional).
Fry the batter in a shallow, lightly greased pan over medium heat, until golden brown on both sides. Serve warm with your favorite topping. My absolute favorite part are the crispy edges (it's how my Mom always made them!) but you can use a taller frying pan to get the perfect round ones.
3 jaja
2 mjerice mlijeka
1 mjerica brasna
1 kasicica secera
1/4 kasicice soli
2 kasike istopljenog i ohladjenog maslaca
Mikserom umutite jaja i mlijeko dok ne dobijete glatku, svijetlozutu smjesu. Prosijte zajedno suhe sastojke i dodajte ih smjesi jaja i mlijeka, muteci mikserom do glatke smjese. Na kraju umijesajte ohladjeni otopljeni maslac. Ostavite pola sata u frizideru.
Pecite u plitkoj, blago namascenoj tavi na umjerenoj toploti. Servirajte toplo uz svoj omiljeni namaz ili prilog.
It is always good to have these basic recipes close at hand!
ReplyDeleteSure is :)